Welcome! I am so glad you’re here

Helping energy workers, or people who identify as healers coincided with my own deep healing.


I abruptly awakened after being introduced to reiki by a friend years ago. I immediately understood there was more to my sensitivities than I realized. Having struggled with anxiety and depression growing up and throughout my 20’s, I felt like I finally had some clue that there was more to my energy.

I found myself exploring meditation, spirituality, and pretty much anything esoteric. I took it all in, studied. In time, I discovered at a deeper level what felt true to me. I met people and practitioners that astounded me with their open, receptive and healing qualities. It always felt like an exquisite privilege to be in circles and meditation with other people on their own journeys, but also communally supporting one another.


Aside from my own deep healing, witnessing transformations happening in others and the vast genuine care and attention practitioners bring to their clients was something that continuously drew me in.

I was aware during my exploration that much of what is takes place in healing spaces can easily be misunderstood. After all, we can’t know anything until we truly experience it ourselves and diving into our darker inner worlds is not an easy path.


I began to work with healers specifically to help them step into their full identity and communicate the real tangible transformations they bring to the world.

It’s an honour to be a mirror to show healers how important their work is, how it can be amplified, and how it can be easier to be seen, heard and welcomed by those seeking your energy.


Going deep during the creative process can be a vulnerable space but it is how we connect to create meaningful, potent solutions for your brand and business that stand the test of time.

Interested to learn more about how coaching is weaved into the creative process? visit the custom design page


The Quick & Dirty

  • I’m an Aquarius sun, humanitarian-minded & into endless reading

  • I spent a year freelancing and travelling in New Zealand before fully committing to my business years ago

  • In Human Design I’m a Projector, rest is key! (not always easy..)

  • I have three tattoos, and a shortlist for the next few

  • Some things I’m exploring right now include; light language, expanding my art practice, more reiki healing work & a little bit of magic

Personal & Professional Experience

I’m Jacqueline or Jacquie. Call me either!

My love for art started reallll early. My mother encouraged my drawing, painting, creation and imagination. I spent a lot of time in nature as a child and still do. These interests led to taking advanced art classes in high school, Fine Art Studies in University and finally Graphic Design education, which really spoke to me.

My home is on Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. Halifax has seen many years of me, and New Zealand for one year too. Exploring geographically, and within creative and business communities has and always will be profoundly important to me. Feeling connected to the land and people is vital for me to feel creatively sustained.

Aside from those interesting teenage job years, my professional work includes design for Public Relations agencies, freelancing in New Zealand, work in User Experience and Interface Design, and volunteering for various local community meet-ups. I have now have landed in the very homey place of helping healers heal, and step into their full power with integrity.

My approach of design combined with intuitive coaching works for the solopreneurs and creative folks I serve because it brings art, purpose, beauty and business together.


  • Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Fine Arts & Printmaking

  • Nova Scotia Community College, Graphic Design Diploma


  • Profit First Money Management

  • Design Business Mastery

  • Reiki Level 1


  • Community Organizer + Facilitator for Tuesdays Together Meet-ups for Creative Entrepreneurs, Halifax, N.S.

  • Assistant Organizer, Christchurch User Experience Design Meet-up, Christchurch, New Zealand

I will not rescue you, For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you, For you are not broken.
I will not heal you, For I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer
by Sheree Bliss Tilsey